Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sandhill Cranes in December?

At first, I heard the voices of Sand Hill Cranes and thought that this is my imagination playing a joke on me. Then I saw a flock of cranes high in the sky, and my first thought was, why do the Cranes cross Northern Utah late in December?

No doubt, Cranes were migrating south from their Northern breeding grounds.  Apparently, their migration has been delayed for some reason.

Life goes on.


  1. Preciosas tomas, Kaya, captando a las Grullas con sus características formaciones en pleno vuelo.


  2. A setback due to a cold mass requires a cautious step back.

  3. It seems that the winter will be short.

  4. Yo creo que la explicación está en que los inviernos están siendo anormalmente mas cálidos y eso puede retrasar la migración de la aves. Al menos a ti te ha dado la oportunidad de hacer buenas fotografías.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  5. Awesome shots! Yes, sometimes during the last few years, they are really very late. Climatic changing is visible everywhere.
