Sunday, February 19, 2023

Adult Drake Green-winged Teal


I don't often encounter and photograph teals, and was glad to see this drake Green-winged Teal on the Bear River.  Teals are very small ducks.  Both male and females have the green streaks behind their eyes.

When I saw this drake, I thought that he was a little confused, not knowing what to do.

The Green-winged Teal is trying to figure out where to find a patch of open water.  


Drake decided to walk on the ice and explore the area, and if there was no open water, he would leave this area and fly away in search of thawed ponds. 

Watching this Teal, I thought about the difficulties they face in our cold winters, about the lack of food and the inadequate shelter to protect these incredible birds from predators. This winter is especially hard for our birds.

Life goes on.