Friday, March 3, 2023

Mating Season is Around the Corner


In February I noticed that Canada Geese were starting to form pairs. The courtship of Canada Geese is quiet  peculiar, they stretch their necks high in the air, bobbing their heads, flap their wings and make honking sounds. 

You can see how the male Canada Goose is stretching his neck high in the air, he is very loudly showing his strength and agility to the female.

Eventually, the female began to respond to the courtship invitation.

Canada Geese usually stay together for life. If one member of the pair dies the other goose will mourn for a long period of time.  A young goose that mates during the first year and loses its mate may choose another mate within the same breeding season.

Life goes on.


  1. it is seldom profitable to waste time and risk damaging the reproduction of one's species.

  2. Preciosa secuencia de apareamiento. Parece que la pareja de gansos está realizando una danza con el broche final de sus caricias. La primera fotografía es magnífica.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  3. С полувзгляда пронеслась мысль : вот это любовь! Прочитав, узнала : любовь на всю жизнь. Вот у кого нужно учиться любви и верности.

  4. Todo un espectáculo el ritual de apareamiento, Kaya, las fotos muy buenas, con todo lujo de detalles.

