Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Song Sparrows Are Excellent Vocalists

Song Sparrows are very vocal and sing throughout the year. Their songs can be short and last a few seconds, while others are five seconds long.

Female Song Sparrows are attracted to males that have learned to sing a wider repertoire of songs.  These males can perform about six to twenty different melodies with only slight variations.

The Song Sparrow I photographed two weeks ago in our local park wasn't going to perform his songs in front of me, he just perched briefly on a log and then disappeared. 

Life goes on.


  1. A beautiful sparrow. Rested and disappeared!

  2. Dura vida tiene ahora, con tanta nieve como ha caído.

  3. A mi me encantan los gorriones, aunque se canto no sea el mejor de las aves. Los veo tan desvalidos frente a las aves más grandes que ellos. Lo tienen más difícil para sobrevivir.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.
