Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Male Yellow-headed Blackbird Trying to Attract a Female

I am always waiting for the arrival of Blackbirds. The male display are fun to see and hear.  They arrive first in the early spring to choose their territory and the wait for females begins. 

The male has to work hard to attract the female because it's she who will choose a mate, and not otherwise.  

The male in the photo above sings with all his heart, hoping that some female will like his song.

Some people call these songs ugly and bizarre, weird and hilarious, but the female Yellow-headed Blackbird finds them irresistible.

Life goes on.  


  1. Let's wait for the arrival of the females and the success

  2. Such a beauty!! Gorgeous and touching images. I love to dive deep into nature's miracles with you.

  3. The blackbird is really irresistible - it has an enviable yellow color.

  4. Bellos ejemplares haciendo lo que les manda la naturaleza, trabajar para conseguir el mantenimiento de la especie.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Precioso el color amarillo en su plumaje, Kaya, estupendas secuencias de como se corteja.


  6. Хорош! Желтый цвет неотразим. Удачи самцу) ждем самку , а затем птенцов.
