Friday, August 18, 2023

Funny Immature Black-crowned Night Heron


At first, this heron behaved rather boringly but after a while, it probably got tired of looking into one space and waiting for prey, and decided to walk along the bent branches.  He was probably trying to find a better place to watch what was happening below.

The Heron reached the point where it ended up under one of bent branches and found himself in a very awkward position.

Of course, the Heron did not like the whole situation in which he found himself and announced it to the whole world. The branch was obviously disturbing the bird.

It was a time to do something about this absurdity and perhaps, to cut an annoying branch in half but it didn't work despite all efforts.

In the end, the Heron stopped fighting the hated branch and moved a little to the side.  At this precise moment I tried hard not to laugh because the bird was in even more uncomfortable position. 

Sometimes immature birds act so funny.  Growing up is never easy.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Замечательные снимки. По душе такой стиль.

  2. Las fotografías tienen buenos encuadres y muy buena definición.
    Un abrazo

  3. Unas secuencias muy simpáticas las de la garza. Ya aprenderá tiene toda la vida por delante y entonces ya no hará tonterías.
    Un abrazo.

  4. The bird seems to be looking for its balance.
