Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Black-crowned Night Heron During Sunrise


Early morning. The sun lazily rises from behind the mountains. A small backwater that emanates such calm that you are afraid to disturb it with an awkward movement.

And the light, soft and golden. The Black-crowned Night heron bathes in this light. He is so funny and somewhat reminiscent of a bent old man.  He is in no hurry, because the day is just beginning and it belongs to  him.

This bird has extraordinary patience; it freezes in one position for a long time, peering into the water  while preparing to catch prey.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Todo un acierto jugar con el ave y su propio reflejo en el agua de forma que logras una cierta simetría que, en la primera toma, es casi circular.
    Un fuerte abrazo,

  2. Con los reflejos en el agua, las fotografías se ven bastante simpáticas.
    Un abrazo

  3. Estupendas esas simetrías que has conseguido con el propio ave reflejado en el agua. Bonitas fotos, Kaya.

