Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hunting in The Swamp

I could have easily missed this Juvenile Black-crowned Heron, but fortunately this did not happen. He blended in perfectly with his surroundings and chose a great hunting spot.

It's always interesting to watch how herons plan their hunt, waiting for their prey very patiently and occasionally taking a slow step forward.

When prey is spotted, the Heron leans forward, bending its neck slightly and carefully planning a single explosive strike.  And in a fraction of a second the bird grabs the fish in its bill.

If the fish is large Heron throws it into the air and then swallows fish. Smaller prey like minnows go down with no trouble.

Another small fish was caught.  

The Heron's sharp, pointed beak is not used for piercing prey.  During a quick strike the bird opens its beak and holds the prey with it.  

What surprises me most is that Herons calculate every single movement during the hunt and it must be precise.  

Generally, life is good.

Black-crowned Night Heron's call.


  1. Preciosa serie de la garceta pescando su alimento. La joven garza aprende rápido.
    Un abrazo.

  2. But success is not always guaranteed. Beautiful scenes!

  3. Buen seguimiento fotográfico de esta garza buscando su alimento, Kaya, buenas fotos.


  4. Agudiza muy bien su mirada, al menor ruido. Buena secuencia de esta captura fotográfica.
    Un abrazo

  5. Такое трогательное чудышко)
