Thursday, October 26, 2023

Life of Bisons on Antelope Island - I.


The young bisons have grown quite a bit and their coat color has changed from orange-red to dark brown. They are now teenagers  but still remain close to their mothers and follow them everywhere. 


Something happened to one this female bison's horns.  Did she broke it or was she born this way?

Bison family.  

The female bison leads the procession.  The young calf follows his parents, trying to stay close.

Family portrait.  

As you can see, the female bison is in the middle.  She has more curvy horns and smaller in size than the bull.  Their young calf stays closer to his mother who will protect him until he grows up.

The mood of bison can be judged by its tail: when it's down and switches naturally, the bison is usually calm.  If the tail is standing straight up, watch out!

Generally, life is good.


  1. Espero no encontrarme con alguno de ellos, con la cola erguida. Tienen una gran fuerza y corre peligro tu integridad.
    Un abrazo

  2. Such a joy to see these magnificant creatures.

  3. De todas maneras los bisontes adultos no tienen cara de buenos amigos. Seguro que es por la presencia de joven bisonte. Una actitud de defensa de la descendencia.
    Un abrazo.
