Monday, December 18, 2023

Snowy Egrets in Flight

Last summer's flood waters were a worry for all of us but they were good for the birds. Snowy Egrets, Black-night Herons were abundant at Bear River MBR and it was a real pleasure to photograph them.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Estupendas capturas, Kaya, el ave en vuelo esta muy bien conseguido y encuadrado.


  2. It's very hard to loose people who are dear to you. You remember how they laughed, how you waited for them to call you, your walks and conversations with them.

    Gracias a ti Kaya por compartir el momento con delicadeza y sabiduría.
    A hug.

  3. Belleza y elegancia, como en una danza aerea.
    Un abrazo,

  4. Es maravillosa la vista de esas aves, captadas en el mejor momento.
    Feliz Navidad, junto a familiares y personas amigas.
