Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What Was It?


When I saw two Ring-billed gulls calling in unison my first thought was, that they were in the process of courtship, which usually begins in April and lasts untill September.  

But as I watched them longer, I began to think that the gulls were so noisy because they were trying to scare away the potential predators, perhaps their chicks were ready to leave the nest. 

I have never observed Ring-billed gulls with such unusual behavior before, so I leave two possibilities.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Las gaviotas son unos pájaros muy ruidosos. No obstante algo raro sucedería. Las fotos son preciosas con unos excelentes reflejos.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Preciosas fotografías, Kaya, parece que están cantando a coro.


  3. Todo un canto a la vida el que nos brindas con estas bellas imagenes.
    Un abrazo, amiga

  4. Sometimes, with these species, so many things have to be said that it can take a long time ...

  5. La Naturaleza es sabia y estas aves, están preparadas, para resguardar a sus pequeñas crías.
    Se ven que cantan, con gran entusiasmo.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Qué maravilla, Kaya. Son magníficos :) Ten un buen viernes.
