Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Burrowing Owls - I.


This morning on Antelope Island was exceptional. I met a male and female Burrowing owls and stayed with them for almost two hours.

All this time, I watched with fascination as they preened, yawned, gave each other affection that was very reminiscent of a kiss and even their mating.

In the photo above is a female Burrowing owl, she was more active and often left the male alone, but not for long.

Sometimes the owls spent time together staying very close to each other.

The female Burrowing owl.

The male owl is stretching, making him look disheveled and a little funny.

Generally, life is good.  



  1. Bellas escenas de esos "amores" de búhos... Preciosos trabajos.
    Un abrazo, amiga

  2. Siempre atento a su alrededor.
    Bonitas imagenes!

  3. Otra buena serie de la lechuza de madriguera. Tiernas escenas de los amores de los búhos.
    Un abrazo.
