Friday, May 31, 2024

Life on Wings

Every time I see these little birds, I remember that they bring good luck and positive change and always glad to see them.

The Cliff Swallows live most of their life on wings, drinking, eating and even mating in the mid-air.  They even can feed their young while they are in flight.

Photographing these birds is always a challenge, they never sit still, and at any moment their flock can take off and all the swallows disappear. You will have to wait for a while for them to return.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Muy bellas imagenes... Nosotros, en el campo, tenemos un nido de golondrinas... Es tremendo como van y vuelven trayendo alimento a las crias. Son incansables...
    Un abrazo, amiga

  2. Muy buenas imágenes.
    Abrazos Kaya.

  3. Preciosas y difíciles de conseguir imágenes. En las zonas rurales siempre fueron apreciadas y protegidas, hoy, por alguna razón cada vez se ven menos.
    Un fuerte abrazo,

  4. Hello Kaya,
    What a surprise to see these wonderful swallows. (My streetname is Swallow). Great with the warm colors.
    You have photograph them so well. This is enjoyment to see!! Well done Kaya!!

    Greetings, Marco

  5. En las ciudades y los pueblos, le cuesta mucho instalarse, nadie quiere que ensucie su fachada. Son aves que siempre ha despertado mis simpatías.
    Que tengas un feliz domingo.

  6. Such lovely images of these sweet swallows! Your patience was rewarded! A feast for eyes and soul indeed.

    Best regards, dear friend.

  7. Una belleza de imágenes, Kaya. Bien hecho.

