Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Huge Catch That Was Never Eaten

It would seem the catch was a success, but the fish turned out to be huge. I was sure that the heron would swallow it, but I was wrong.  The Great Blue Heron did not swallow the fish.

My guess is that the size of the fish was too large and the Heron was struggling to fit it into its throat.  Herons usually swallow fish whole.

Another reason is that the Great Blue Heron was young and inexperienced and had not developed the skills to swallow large fish.  Herons are cautious birds and avoid swallowing prey that is too large or risky.

Generally, life is good.


  1. What a catch! Gorgeous capture

  2. La secuencia es natural. Y bien lograda.
    La lección sería que no es conveniente "morder" más allá de lo que uno pueda tragar...
    Abrazos Kaya.

  3. Como decimos por aquí "se come más por los ojos que por la boca". Excelente la secuencia.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Por mucho que lo ha intentado, no ha podido con él. Ya llegará el dia en que pueda, saborear los peces grandes.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Unas fotos preciosas y muy oportunas, Kaya, eres una maestra en este tipo de capturas.


  6. you were there at just the right time wow.
