Friday, August 23, 2024

Female American Coot and Her Baby


I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw a female American Coot and her brood  in mid-August. The chicks are usually seen with their mother in early summer.

Three chicks followed their mother, and the smallest one was constantly asking for food.

Why did the female Coot fish a piece of plant out of the swamp? Accidentally or intentionally?  I am sure the baby was surprised too. 

Generally, life is good.


  1. Oh nice photos! First time I saw an Ameican Coot baby and those colors I must have taken 30 photos and had to make myself stop. They are so cute. Yes about early summer - I even got some once in late May.

  2. Toda una hermosa y enternecedora historia de cómo las madres atienden y cuidan a sus crías. Preciosas fotos en las que se aprecia perfectamente ese "vocabulario" del que se sirven los animales para comunicarse entre ellos. Pura sensibilidad la tuya.

  3. Todo un bello canto al amor maternal... Muy bellas imagenes, amiga.
    Un abrazo.

  4. But how can you tell the difference between males and females?

  5. La naturaleza, en la tranquilidad del río...
    Abrazos Kaya.

  6. Es maravilloso el instinto que tiene los animales, de proteger a sus crías.
    Feliz domingo de descanso.

  7. Que bonitas y tiernas imagenes. Es enternecedor ver como las crias son cuidadas por sus progenitores.
    Un abrazo.

  8. Such a lovely moment in nature with you. Thanks a lot for it, Kaya.
