Sunday, September 29, 2024

American Bittern - I.


American Bitterns are solitary birds and usually well-hidden and difficult to spot. 

When I saw this Bittern early this morning on the Bear River MBR, I thought I was imagining it but the Bittern was real standing motionless in the tall grass.

After a while, the sun came out from behind the clouds, and the swamp turned golden. The Bittern sank down into the grass exposing only its head and neck. The bird was clearly enjoying the early morning warmth.

The American Bittern is a member of the heron family and it is a  migratory bird. They breed in Utah swamps and spend winter where there is open water.

Generally, life is good. 

to be continued 


  1. Un ave preciosa en sí misma pero, escondida en ese entorno donde tú lograste la fotografía con tu habitual maestría es aún más bella y adorable. La segunda foto tiene una luz que impresiona aún más
