Friday, October 4, 2024

Curious Behavior

I have never met such an interesting Long-tailed weasel before. He emerged from his hiding place in the thick grass and looked at me curiously for a few seconds before returning to his hiding place.

I began to wait, to see if the weasel would decide to show himself again. My wait lasted about a few minutes, and the weasel reappeared and froze on its hind legs for a few seconds.  

But the most interesting moments were still ahead of me. The weasel continued to disappear into his hiding place and after a while appear in the light standing in his usual pose. It reminded me of a game of hide and seek.

And then the moment came when the weasel no longer came out of his hiding place. The game of hide and seek was over.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Es una animalito precioso y se entretuvo jugando al escondite contigo. Tuviste tiempo de retratarla en bonitas posiciones. Una delicia para la mirada

  2. Parece que en cada una de sus apariciones, la comadreja va tomando cada vez más confianza. En su última salida ya posa con la naturalidad de un amigo.
    Un abrazo, Kaya.

  3. Que bonita secuencia de la comadreja. La curiosidad le ha llevado a ser la modelo de tus fotografías.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Has despertado su curiosidad y cada vez que aparece crece la confianza y advierte que tu presencia no representa ningún peligro. Tus fotografías han despertado mis simpatías haca ese animal.
    Feliz fin de semana.
