Monday, January 20, 2025

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk on the Frosty Morning


I was heading to the Bear River MBR when I spotted two Red-tailed Hawks.  One was hiding in the branches of a tree, the other curled up into a ball from the cold. I had to wait for the hawk to show itself in all its glory. After a few minutes the raptor straightened up and looked around.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Really beautiful birds!! The fear of drones!!

  2. Precioso el Halcón y la foto, buen trabajo, Kaya.


  3. I was out of power twice in the last few weeks. We have had winds so they shut the power off all over the mountain in the last windy even. Wind today but so far we kept power. Nice to see your photos again

  4. ¡Realmente esplendoroso!
    Abrazo, Kaya

  5. Ese halcón de cola roja, intuyó que tu andabas por la zona y sabiendo de tu mirada afilada para descubrir la belleza de todo tipo de animales, quiso posar para ti y se enderezó para mostrarte y mostrarnos toda su belleza y hermosura.
    Un abrazo

  6. Your photo is beautiful, as usual! I can always count on your blog to enchant
    me with its awesomeness! I hope all is well with you. Wishing you a great week ahead!

    I just stopped by to say Hi and to wish you well.

  7. Kaya, on closer inspection, it must be a juvenile, given the plumage patterns on its belly ... 2nd picture !

  8. Parece desafiante y orgulloso. O quizás solo se estaba desperezando después de una siesta. En todo caso la foto es digna de admiración.
    Un abrazo, Kaya.
