Saturday, March 8, 2025

Antelope Island as a Storm Approaches - V


The beauty of the Island is in its natural contrasts: the vast, barren expanses of the salt desert and waters of the Great Salt Lake.  

When spring will arrive the harshness of the desert is soften by wildflowers,  bison, mule deer and pronghorn antelopes that roam freely across the island.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Un una imagen que habla de la emoción que debe sentirse estando delante de semejante paisaje en vivo y al natural. Las cumbres nevadas iluminadas por ese sol que tímidamente aparece al fondo de la cordillera y las nubes que anuncian la tormenta, son elementos con una fuerza tremenda. La foto es genial
    Un abrazo Kaya

  2. The contrast of nature on Antelope Island is captivating! The way you describe the vastness of the salt desert against the waters of the Great Salt Lake paints a powerful picture. I can almost feel the calm before the storm, with the anticipation of spring bringing life and vibrancy to the island. It must be such a unique experience to witness the wildflowers, bison, mule deer, and pronghorn antelopes roaming freely. Nature truly has its own rhythm, and it’s wonderful to read about it through your words. Thanks for sharing this peaceful reflection!

    I hope you are having a great weekend. You are invited to read my new post: Thank you.

  3. Una maravilla de paisaje, amiga, con unos tonos azules y un cielo espectaculares.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Bellísima fotografía, Kaya. Esas tenebrosas nubes que amenazan tormenta son una preciosidad.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Cada estación tiene su encanto. Precioso paisaje.
    Feliz domingo.
