Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trying to Fly

He was planning to fly.

Preparing for the flight.

Going to the top of the hill where the flight will take place.

Running...  Almost in the air.

Some day he will succeed.  I am sure.

Every time you fail you make one step forward.


  1. Love the third one specially, the man on the run with a very nice composition and beautiful backround trying to do his best, wonderful picture, beautiful works :))


  2. Man's effort to get where the Icar has dreamed.
    A very beautiful series!
    The last photo could be rotated horizontally...

  3. I would suspect the young man has had no formal training in whatever it is he is trying to accomplish, in which case I would strongly recommend he sign up for some before he attempts any further experiments.

    The series is beautiful, Kaya .... and neat and tells a story ....

  4. Great photos, especially the first one I like. :)

  5. Nice photographic sequence. The dream of the people, flying like the birds.
    A hug.

  6. Me gusta lo bien que quedan, los colores de la vestimenta humana, con el fondo blanco.


  7. Una secuencia en la que el color tiene un especial atractivo al destacar sobre el blanco de la nieve y en el que la composición ha resultado muy cuidada pese al rápido movimiento de la foto final. Ignoro como funciona ese deporte, pero me parece que con el aire frío debe ser muy difícil elevarse, siempre he supuesto que para subir se necesitarían corrientes ascendentes de aire cálido.
    Un abrazo,
