Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Long-Billed Baby Curlew

There were three Long-billed Curlews; mama, a baby and dad. Mama tried to stay close to her baby and dad was wondering on his own, far away from his family.

The baby decided to cross the road and that was the last time his mama and I saw him.  He went into tall grass and disappeared. 

Mama became very concerned.  She was looking for her baby everywhere.

Mama Curlew saw her baby last time crossing the road. 

I hope that eventually mama Curlew would find her baby.  She was calling for him but he wasn't responding.  I was told later that the baby probably was hiding somewhere and eventually he would come to his mama.

Walking and exploring before he would be gone.


  1. The child wants to become independent. :)
    Images are special.

  2. Excelente reportaje, pero nos tienes que contar el final. Esperamos que el pequeño zarapito se encontrase con su mamá.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Смешной малыш) Мне кажется, что он чувствует себя вполне самостоятельным))
    И какая величественная мама!

  4. Bonita y tierna historia, muy bien apoyada en unas estupendas imágenes.


  5. I see your blog daily, it is crispy to study.
    Your blog is very useful for me & i like so much...
    Thanks for sharing the good information!

  6. Bom dia, as crianças não estão sossegadas, devem estar sempre a ser vigiados, certamente que a mãe descobre o filho, as fotos são de mestre, são lindas, estão bem captadas.
    Feliz fim de semana,

  7. ahhh so cute - adorable really.
