Saturday, August 11, 2018

In the Beau Park

It's hot, hot, hot!  101.1 Fahrenheit! 

No more trips to Bear River in evenings. For a while.

Today I got to the Beau park in the early morning and

found there a few geese, ducks and one squirrel. 

Everything is so dry, so unappealing. 

I am waiting for autumn!

Beau park.


  1. That beak is amazing! So much detail. Such incredible creatures.

    I hope you get rain soon!

  2. wow love this - so soft and pretty. It's cooling here thank God - I actually think we were in the 60's last night with a breeze coming through the window - - these temps are the mountains I remember from a few years ago - cooling at night - starting about august.

    hope you cool down soon - it really gets to be a drag.

  3. Good work! The hot weather did not stop you from getting some lovely photos.

  4. Unas imagenes de belleza impresionante
    Un abrazo

  5. Ja die Hitze ist nicht so schön und auch bei uns hat es wenig geregnet.

