Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Little Bit Awkward

Usually you don't photograph a flying bird showing only its wings and legs. But I think this photograph works because the Juvenile American avocet is on a show and looks funny.


  1. It is in fact a very interesting shot and clearly shows the technique involved in an Avocet taking flight.

  2. It is a bizarre scene! Awkward, but cool. Great capture!

  3. A bit of imagination could lead to any number of captions ranging from serious to comic to accompany this photograph, Kaya. Whatever .... I like it and it puts a smile on my face ....

  4. Te ha quedado muy interesante, parece como si el ave quisiera ocultarse tras sus alas para evitar ser reconocida.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Una escena de gran belleza, Kaya, muy bonito el momento captado y bien resuelto.


  6. El ave tiene cierto aspecto cómico pero la fotografía ha sido muy oportuna a la hora de captar el movimiento y es esfuerzo para alzar el vuelo.
    Un abrazo,
