Sunday, November 25, 2018

Berries for Breakfast

Looking for berries.

Got one.

The weather was kind of dreary the past few days.  I was able to get out only once to look for birds. I didn't drive to the field or marshes just visited our local pond where I photographed this American robin who was feeding on berries.

Winter is knocking at the door. I can see through my windows the light dusting of snow on the mountains. I am ready for snow and the birds the winter brings.

Life is good!


  1. Обычно принято ругать зиму, но у каждого сезона есть своя прелесть. Осенью - разноцветье листьев, зимой - царство белого снега.

  2. Looks like that robin has enough berries to last for weeks - until his friends show up that is.

  3. Feeding birds year-round has been part of my lifestyle for a number of years. When squirrels began eating all the bird food, I added peanuts to the menu. Now, it seems blue jays and even crows think the peanuts and the other bird food is for them and there is little left for the other birds. Sort of a dilemma.

    Excellent photography, Kaya ....

  4. Realmente espectacular el modo en que los has captado

  5. Son todas preciosas. Me encanta el colorido y los tonos que has conseguido.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Great art photos. No one can be but in love with them.

  7. Precioso ese petirrojo que has sabido fotografiar con maestría para presentarlo en su ambiente natural, alimentándose de bayas, y al tiempo hacer que destaque sobre todo su entorno constituyéndose en el único punto de atracción.
    Un abrazo,

  8. Me encantan las fotos Kaya, son muy muy bonitas. Saludos.

  9. Que buenas capturas, Kaya, muy bien compuestas, la segunda con la baya en el pico es muy buena.

