Sunday, November 4, 2018


This photograph is accidental. I was at Farmington Bay heading toward the bridge when I saw a swallow. I opened passenger's window and shoot inside my car not knowing what would happen. 

A swallow didn't fly away. He stayed for a while looking right into my eyes. Beautiful. With huge eyes. Brave and curious.


  1. A stop on the bridge to get new energy and carry on the migratory trip ...

  2. he's even color coordinated with the "perch" he is on.... what a sweet looking bird. We have several that build their nest under the eaves of the snack bar over at the park. I love when they show up again.

  3. Birds are both delicate and tough and, mostly, they are photogenic. Accidental or on purpose, it is a terrific shot, Kaya.

  4. Parece una golondrina jóven que estuviese contemplando el mundo con curiosidad, aprendiendo.
    Un abrazo,
