Monday, November 5, 2018

Sleeping Beauty

I always wanted to see an owl, any owl.  I have never seen this bird in the wild. 

Yesterday I went to Garr ranch on Antelope Island determined finally to see an owl. My previous three trips to this ranch weren't successful. There weren't owls around or I didn't see them.

Luckily, yesterday I met a man who volunteers on the ranch. He gave me directions where I could find owls mentioning that I have to look up for them on the trees.  

I have never expected to see an owl on the tree. I thought they disguise themselves in the hollow of the tree.

I found two owls. One settled on the tree so high that I had to "cut" through branches to get a clear picture of him. Owl never opened his eyes.

Another owl was closer but curled in a big fat ball and never looked down at me.  But I am happy.  I believe that I photographed a male Great Horned Owl.  


  1. Master in the fall, she does not seem to want to see how the colors of the leaves run off.

  2. Какая же милая)) Спит и пыхтит в свой воротник. Кая, смотрю на твои фото и думаю, как же тебе повезло увидеть красивых птиц в природе. Не знаю, долго ли ты на них охотишься, но оно того стоит.

  3. Lo has pillado en plena siesta. Seguro que preparándose para la caza nocturna.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Descansa en ese árbol, con los colores del otoño. Se siente cómoda en él y allí se echa una gran siesta de la que no se despierta, aunque la fotografíen de cerca.


  5. Your guy has the look of a great horned owl, so I think your identification is correct, Kaya. Your photograph is excellent in all respects.

    When I was a boy and hunted, I saw snowy owls on three or four occasions, all from a significant distance. I considered myself fortunate because they very seldom were seen in southern Minnesota. I also had a great grey owl hit me in the head while I was returning home from a hunt through dense trees after dark in the dead of winter. I do not know if it was accidental or intentional. My head was covered by both a stocking cap and a parka hood, so there was no damage.

  6. Una fotografía difícil de conseguir, especialmente con esa calidad y perfecto encuadre con la que lo has hecho. Estas aves parece que durante el día son bastante estáticas debido a que su visión no está adaptada para la luz fuerte.
    Un abrazo,

  7. oh my gosh - you should feel happy - this is wonderful!

  8. Que buena captura, Kaya, con un encuadre y composición muy bien medidos. Muy buena foto.


  9. Как сладко она спит)) И очень красивая у нее расцветка перьев на брюшке!

  10. ·.
    Fantastic. You have been very lucky.
    And you've got a great photo.

    LMA · & · CR
