Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Mini World - 11. Some Day

I look at this photograph and think what would happen if I didn't try to photograph this beautiful bird. Just look at it or even better would bring with myself our new binoculars and just study every feather, every movement.

Our new binoculars is more powerful than my lens. It would open a new world, the world where you are not trying to stop the moment, you just enjoy it.

I am sure it would be a completely different experience. Perhaps, I would be more in awe or wonder would arose within me. There would be more clarity and focus.

 Someday I would try to do it. Let myself to bring more depth into my life.


  1. A beautiful photo!
    The image can be displayed in any exhibition.

  2. the curved neck and the curved water rush
    when photography looks easy

  3. I think if more hunters carried powerful binoculars and took the time to look closely at their quarry, there would be more hunters with guilty consciences and, ultimately, fewer hunters. I have come to feel any and all living creatures are too precious to kill other than as a matter of defense.

    Observing and photographing actually are very different. I prefer observing.

    Excellent photograph, Kaya. It really is a work of art.

  4. Una buena fotografía, Kaya, con unos buenos binoculares apreciarías mejor el detalle pero solo para tu deleite.


  5. I don’t think that one excludes the other, Kaya, and when you are able to achieve a photograph like this with the very pleasing reflection, it reveals your sense of satisfaction with your observation of the bird. But by all means, study with the binoculars. You will detect behavioural patterns not readily picked up by the camera and you will certainly learn to appreciate the bird in so many different ways. People have sometimes remarked to me that they think my binoculars are part of my body, but they have given me an insight into nature I could in no other way have achieved. Bravo for your commitment to the world of nature all around you.

  6. Fotografías como ésta, perfectamente compuesta y encuadrada, vigilando para que el reflejo del ave y de las plantas constituyan un elemento armónico y simétrico, requiere de una gran capacidad de observación del mundo que te rodea. Una capacidad de observación que es profunda y selectiva. Esa capacidad, estoy seguro, puede aplicarse a todos los aspectos de la vida, incluso a la introspección.
    Un abrazo,

  7. Stunning shot.. My best wishes for you in 2019

  8. This photo is really beautiful and so full of delicacy. Absolutely amazing!!!!!!! Very Happy New Year dear Kaya. Thank you for being. :****

  9. There was a time when I was at the lake and a heron was nearby the shore and quite intent on stalking a fish. I actually forgot about my camera that was in my hand because I got caught up in watching him in action. Normally I'm too quick to capture an image instead of enjoying it. That's great you have good binoculars to do that. Would love your thoughts on that when it happens. Beautiful photo.

  10. Excelente la fotografía y excelente el encuadre.
    Un abrazo

  11. Enhorabuena Kaya es realmente una foto maravillosa. Besos.

  12. So beautiful picture :))

    But always remember that beauty is not on whatever your camera looks at, beauty is in your eyes.

    Happy New Year, dear Kaya.

  13. Your eyes have seen through binoculars details that can not be seen in the picture. However, it is beautiful. Greetings.

  14. Una imagen espectacular... Pura sensibilidad

  15. Bella imagen con un extraordinario reflejo en el agua. En ella se desprende serenidad y tranquilidad.

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