Sunday, March 17, 2019

Blackbirds Are Singing Again

This evening I went to Ogden Bay. There weren't many birds around, only a few Blackbirds, one lonely American Coot and two Canada geese and they all were far away. This little bird saved my evening, she stayed close enough and let me take her picture.

This photograph of Blackbird is different.  I took it in last November at Bear River. It was late autumn and the Blackbirds stopped singing. 

They are singing again. Spring arrived!

Sharing this post with Our World Tuesday.


  1. One of the greatest sounds of the spring is to hear Red-winged Blackbirds singing from the marshes. The next sound I am looking forward to is a chorus of Spring Peepers.


  2. :)

    I like that they sing for Spring!

  3. Какой красавец! Да, весна приходит! У нас тоже птичье оживление началось =)

  4. I wish we had the redwing blackbirds here - we only have Brewer's - however, just 20 miles away I see many at another lake down the mountain. I have heard so much bird songs yesterday when walking around our lake - the birds are definitely back.

  5. Hello, pretty captures of the Red-winged Blackbird! Enjoy your day, have a happy week ahead.
