Sunday, May 12, 2019

My Mother

I was reluctant to write about my mother maybe because the word "mother" is divine and it's incredibly difficult to find the words to express your love, your grief when your mother is dead.

First of all I pray for the departed souls of all mothers who are no more on this Earth.  I know that our mothers never leave us, even if death takes them away.  They will always be in our lives.

My mother was the most beautiful, the most kind woman. She didn't have an easy life but she was strong and never gave up. She loved life and people and had a great talent to turn every messy and difficult situation into a good one.

I was a difficult kid, adventurous and not always obedient. My mother was always patient with me. Her extraordinary patience taught me many valuable  lessons.

Mothers are always ready to do everything for their children, their love is endless and nourishing. I don't know who I would be without my mother's love, without her kindness and understanding. 

Our mothers never leave us, even if death takes them away. My mother always will be in my life. 

Мама, я тебя очень люблю!  Светлая тебе память! 

Nora Ilchiukas. My mother. She worked for many years as a teacher of Chemistry and Biology in high school #6 in Vilnius, Lithuania.