Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Picture Memory

Our memories are so unreliable.  When time goes by they sometimes change or fade away, or suddenly get some inexplicable twists that puzzle us. 

When I was ten years old I believed that you could create picture memories and they will stay with you for as long as you wish. Picture memories were so simple, you only have to look at something for a long time and it will be imprinted into your memory.  

I remember how hard I tried to create a picture memory of tall maple trees just starring at them. I thought if I look a little longer I will remember them for the rest of my life. Next to me on the bench was sitting my grandmother and time from time I took a break and looked at her. 

If you ask me what kind of picture memory I created I would tell that I don't remember my favorite maple trees but I remember my grandmother, her blue scarf and plain raincoat, her simple and modest handbag, her kind wrinkled face and a broad smile.  


  1. Nuestras vidas no son sino lo que recordamos... No lo que vivimos, sino lo que recordamos y como lo recordamos

    Un abrazo

  2. A loving photo with warm tones. It seems like a place of peace.

  3. О да, наша память порою ведет себя не так, как мы задумали =) С большим удовольствием прочитала твои размышления.

  4. Our memory is fallible, no doubt. I suspect that it enhances the pleasurable and mutes the negative; perhaps part of a coping strategy. I wonder if dreams are part of memory? I don't know enough of human brain function to know but it strikes me odd that in a dream many people from different parts of one's life can appear together, yet it makes perfect sense.

  5. beautiful photo to remind a wonderful woman...….

  6. Una preciosa imagen para grabar en la memoria. Me alegro que mirases a tu abuela para fotografiar su recuerdo; esos suelen ser los recuerdos más gratos.
    Por cierto, estuve viendo las últimas entradas que publicó (no puede comentarlas por no estar habilitados los comentarios) y estuve reflexionando sobre el hecho de que se ha convertido en una gran fotógrafa de aves. No sólo desde el punto de vista puramente ornitológico, sino especialmente porque lo combina sabiamente con su saber en fotografía obteniendo unos resultados magníficos.
    Un fuerte abrazo,

  7. Memory is a mystery and multi-layered. Some few individuals have photographic memory; most do not and some have astonishingly poor memory. I assume wine tasters have excellent taste bud memory; actors exceptional memory for remembering scripts; baseball pitchers for recalling the feel of the grip on a ball for curves or sinkers .... and so forth.

    Your photograph is perfect, from my point of view, Kaya, and you are fortunate to carry your grandmother with you so clearly in your mind.

  8. Que importancia tienen los abuelos en nuestras vidas y que grato es recordarlos y retenerlos en la memoria, Kaya. Una imagen floral de gran belleza.


  9. Hay recuerdos que se graban en la memoria y nunca se pueden borrar, sin embargo hay otros muchos que se quedan en el olvido.

    Es preciosa la composición floral que hoy nos has ofrecido.

