Wednesday, June 12, 2019

One Little Step Toward Being Brave

For a long time I believed that vulnerability is a weakness, until I took a deep breath and  posted here on this blog my first painting.
Next day I regretted what I have done. I wanted to delete it immediately. Then something  happened. I thought about being vulnerable but also about being brave and I am not the bravest person in the world. Posting my first painting was one little step toward being brave.
We are all vulnerable.  
You are vulnerable when you are standing up for yourself, 
when you are asking for help, 
when you share your art or photography with the world, 
when you are writing on your blog about your illness or struggles with addiction hoping that someone out there will understand what you are going through,
you are vulnerable when you go to gym in not perfect shape to get healthier, 
when you ask for forgiveness.
Do these sound like weaknesses? I don’t think so. Vulnerability is not weakness, it is courage.
I am trying to embrace my vulnerability and be proud of it.


  1. The most beautiful summer flowers! Editing the image makes it special.

  2. We are all vulnerable to one extent or another, Kaya. It is how we handle the vulnerability that counts. Sound like you have yours under control.

  3. I felt this way too the first time I posted something.

  4. Oj Dear Kaya...such amazing post. I totally agree with you. I am so proud of you!!!! I am so happy you shared your paintings with know I truly adore them! I am also not the bravest person in the world... I try my best... sometimes I fail...but then again I try to overcome my fears...
    'I am trying to embrace my vulnerability and be proud of it'.- me too... well.. .I am proud of that. :)
    You are amazing!!!!

  5. La vida es para el que es fuerte y arriesga, Kaya, muy bien hecho por usted, el ser valiente y salir de esa vulnerabilidad. Bonita foto al contraluz, muy representativa de esta época.


  6. Essentially, each and every one of us wants to be loved and appreciated, and fear of rejection is what creates vulnerability. The solution is not to "not care" what others might think, but to step forward knowing the risk of success and failure is with each of us every step of our lives and learn to accept both in stride.

    We all have strengths we love to bask in and weaknesses we try to hide in the shadows, Kaya, so the earlier we learn the lesson Ricky Nelson sang in his song, "Garden Party," the more comfortable we can move along through life: "You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself."

    I think you are doing great, Kaya, as a photographer and as a painter and as an individual ....

  7. Hermosas y sencillas amapolas. A mi sus cuadros me gustaron todos, desde el primero, y también tenían la sencillez y la belleza de las amapolas en un campo de trigo.
    Un abrazo,

  8. Lo importante es que te sientas tu a gusto con lo que haces, hay gustos para todos...habrá personas que no le diga nada, pero eso no quiere decir que tu obra no sea correcta. A cualquiera con un mínimo de sensibilidad se siente atraído por estas sencillas flores que alegran el campo y lo hace más hermosos con su precioso color.



  9. Beautifully written, I have been nurturing my sensitivity for a long time, thanks to her I am growing and I feel more with my heart :)

    I will be very nice when you look at me and add to my blog!
    let's meet there :)

  10. I love this sentence: "Vulnerability is not weakness, it is courage."

    Have a wonderful weekend

  11. this is so encouraging, thank you for this beautiful post!

  12. Preciosas amapola. Hay que ser valiente y atreverse con todos los retos.
    Un abrazo.

  13. Gosh that 's a gorgeous photo and I'm so gladl u are vulnerable and willing to be and the post your art.

  14. Hay que ser valiente y tirar hacia delante, Kaya. Bonita imagen. La otras dos entradas tambien son estupendas.
    un abrazo y buena semana.
