Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Forster's Tern

This is a breeding adult who is looking for fish.

Spotted fish.  In a few seconds a Forester's Tern would go right into water to catch fish.

Two weeks ago I was lucky to watch these birds flying and trying to catch fish in the water.  At first, I couldn't get any decent pictures of Forster's terns, they were so chaotic in their flight but later I noticed a pattern and everything became more easy.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take any decent picture of Foster's Tern catching fish. I had only two seconds and no matter what I tried it didn't work.

A Forster's Tern is easy to identify.  It's a small bird with a black tipped orange bill and short legs. 


  1. Preciosas imágenes del charrán o golondrina de mar. En las dos primeras lo has capturado preparándose para iniciar el vertiginoso picado para capturar peces y en las tres restantes en la posición típica de vuelo. Es un ave diseñada para vivir en el aire, muy aerodinámica.
    Un abrazo,

  2. Editorial photos..
    Beautiful birds, but very loud. In romanian they are called Chire.

  3. Wonderful shots of the bird in the air, Kaya. Terns are graceful beyond all that is reasonable. Even the finest choreographer in the world could not make them look so good. The air is their element.

  4. It is like sports photography, Kaya. You have to anticipate the action and push the shutter before the moment actually happens. If you wait for the moment to happen, you always will be a split-second too late. It is considerably easier now than it was in 35mm / film days, and a motor drive makes it even easier.

    And, I agree. These photographs are spectacular ....

  5. Son una magnífica serie. No me extraña que haya sido difícil fotografiarla porque las golondrinas son aves muy veloces.
    Un abrazo.
