Friday, August 2, 2019

What Next?

During last democratic debate  I was wondering why democrats chose such an odd tactic to attack Barak Obama and his legacy. In my opinion, it wasn't smart.

About Joe Biden. I am not denying that he was a very good vice president but during democratic debate he was not present or to be more straightforward was stunned by democrats attacks. I don't know what he expected but I had a feeling that he lost touch with reality.  

I was very interested in Kamala Harris but sometimes she didn't respond quick enough to attacks. Can she beat Trump in the coming election?  I want to believe she can.

Bernie Sanders. I like him a lot. There are a few reasons why I would vote for him.

Sanders marched for Civil rights while he was in college.

He is a firm believer in women's rights.

He wants to make college more affordable.

And most important he believes that all Americans should be given health care.

I don't plan on voting for Donald Trump. I am fed up with his ignorance, his racists statements, his threat  "nominate me or there could be riots", his admiration for dictators.

Mr. Trump is erratic and inconsistent. His narcissism isn't not comical, it's dangerous.  

I will not vote for Trump!  I also believe that no American conservative or liberal, should support Trump who violates American principals of life. Donald Trump is a danger to civil liberties, the democracy and ideals of open and free society.


  1. It is far too early for me to become involved in political commentary .... who can say what the world will be like a day or two from now, much less a year from now?

  2. Coincido contigo, Trump es un peligro para los EEUU y para la humanidad. Si yo tuviera que votar en tu país me decantaría por Bernie Sanders, pero sobre todo mantendría la unidad en torno al candidato demócrata elegido. Que nos os pase como en la anteriores elecciones, porque el objetivo principal debe ser echar a Trump de la Casa Blanca. Las próximas generaciones os lo agradecerán. Y el resto de la humanidad también.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Only you, the americans with the right to vote, can decide the future president, and the fact that you have the power to debate what is good or not is good, can only create a future after your aspirations.

  4. Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices de Trump :/

  5. Thank you everybody for your comments.
    I appreciate them very much.

  6. PS
    In Romania, at least 4400 children disappeared in 2018. 4000 were recovered. For the unrecovered, people put in front of the police station children's shoes, as a form of protest.

    1. Catalin, thank you very much for explaining your previous image.
      What happened in 2018 in Romania is a horrible tragedy.
      I am terribly sorry and I hope that it will never ever happen again!

  7. Comparto plenamente de principio a fin su valoración sobre Donald Trump y reconozco que nuestros dirigentes en España también dejan mucho que desear en cuanto a altura de miras y principios morales y democráticos. Es el mal de nuestros días.
    Un abrazo,

    1. Miguel, thank you for your comment!
      And thank you for being a wonderful and supportive friend!
      A hug.
