Saturday, August 10, 2019

Bear River Before Sunrise -II.

When I arrived at Bear river it was still dark and I had to wait for sunrise for almost an hour. I miscalculated the time when the sun would rise and found myself in the odd situation of not knowing what to do.  Should I have a nap in my car and wait for sunrise or walk? I chose to walk. 

Walking in the dark desert was a very odd and powerful experience. The moment I got out of my car I found myself in a very noisy environment. Birds were singing everywhere, the desert was slowly awaking from the sleep and the sky was getting patches of light colors.  I walked and didn't feel fear at all, just tried to feel the desert.  

When I returned back to my car the sky was getting lighter. At some moment I was startled by an odd mourning voice. I looked around and saw a cow in the tall grass across the road. Was she lonely? Or she didn't like my presence? I want to believe that she was lonely.

I took these and other photographs listening to a lonely cow a long cry. Sometimes she stopped and I was grateful for this little break. 

At first I was scared that a cow would charge to my car but later I stopped paying attention to her. We shared one space and we were not alone.

Soon geese started to leave their night roost heading South and I forgot about everything. They were so beautiful!


  1. Now you know and understand the enchantment of the sunrise (and the sunset) in the wild, Kaya .... the experience of seeing and hearing and feeling day's beginning (and day's end) in the midst of Nature. Each day is a unique experience ....

    Spectacular photography ....

  2. An optimal place for photography, vibrant colors. The birds give life for photography.
    PS There are phone applications that show when sunrise or sunset, precisely.

  3. Your big little world looks awesome!

  4. With your artistic talent, Kaya, looks like a great painting should be in the works.

  5. beautiful ..i loved your description and that you were out so early (something I probably will never do) to get that sunrise.

  6. Paisajes de ensueño. ¡Enhorabuena!
    Un abrazo.

  7. Son preciosas las tres, muy hermosas. Feliz semana.

  8. Preciosas fotografías del amanecer del río Bear, muy coloridas y contrastadas. Y excelente relato de tu experiencia fotografia.
    Un abrazxo.

  9. Oh wow all the photos are amazing darling~ Thanks for share with us

  10. Impresionantes tonos de un hemoso amanecer. Las tonalidades son fabulosas y las siluetas de los pájaros es un buen complemento para aumentar su belleza.


  11. Ver nacer un nuevo día es una sensación maravillosa Kaya. Y nos deja estos fantásticos regaloss.
    Gracias por compartir tu amanecer.
    Un abrazo.

  12. amazing...combines of sunrise, background and sky so wonderful

  13. OMG so stunning pictures, desert surrounded by dark sky is always beautiful :-)
