Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Traveler - II.

I can't stop thinking about the Brown Pelican who mysteriously found the way to Bear River that is so far from his normal habitat. 

I hope that the wandering pelican will find his way back home where he can join other Brown Pelicans, where he will mate and have a long and healthy life.


  1. I wonder if they can do this on purpose. I mean, can one pelican be an adventurer and take off for parts unknown?

  2. Pelican with outfit. Magazine photos. The pelican will find its way.

  3. También yo deseo que encuentre el camino y se reuna con los de su especie. Pensando de forma optimista creo que se instinto lo va a llevar hasta ellos.


  4. Parece que el pelícano pardo te brindo una buena ocasión para fotografiarlo. Se parece un poco a los pelícanos peruanos y es bien distinto de los que nos muestras como habituales en esa zona.
    Un abrazo,

  5. Seguro que se reencontrará con su bandada y migrarán juntos para pasar el invierno en mejores latitudes.
    Bonita serie.
    Un abrazo.

  6. I am curious whether or not pelicans "mate for life," but a brief search turned up no information about it. Have you learned anything, Kaya?

    My preferred photograph among this group is the second one .... he looks like he owns the pond.

    I think he is keeping an eye on you in his peripheral vision.

    1. Fram, when pairs of pelicans are bond they may stay for a long time to raise their offsprings but not for life.

  7. such a beautiful bird - love the photos.

  8. I read from articles, the reasons pelican left from its groups: due to it sicked or tired to fly together....but, it will easy to find its original habitat.

    Thank you for beautiful photos.

  9. Que elegancia y señorio! Muy bonita, Kaya!
    Un abrazo.

  10. Pura belleza Kaya. Encontrará su camino amiga,son muy inteligentes.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

  11. He looks tired after a long summer. A beautiful pelican.

  12. Muy bellas capturas. Me encanta, como siempre, su definicion y bello color
    Un abrazo

  13. I love these big beauties! So unique.😊

