Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Incredibly Long-legged Black-necked Stilt

It's so easy to recognized this bird with its shiny black wings and its long bright red legs.

It's interesting that at first glance males and females look alike but when these birds are in their breeding plumage you can tell the difference between a male and female. The male has solid shiny black back while the female has brownish tones in this area. The legs of female are also shorter.

But the most unique feature of this birds is their long ruby red legs. Stilts have webbed legs and they can swim but I have never seen them swimming.

In four and half months these birds will return to Utah. I am patiently waiting for their return.


  1. Excelentes fotografías del zanco, Kaya, con unos interesantes juegos de enfoques y desenfoques. buenos trabajos.


  2. Muy buenas las tres. Excelente el trabajo de desenfocar el segundo plano dando protagonismo a una de las aves. Curiosas aves con esas desproporcionadas patas. Y muy de agradecer las descripción que haces de ellas.
    UN abrazo.

  3. Muy buenos esos enfoques y desenfoques, con buena definición de las imágenes.


  4. Simply amazing, thanks for sharing these pictures.

  5. I see these birds with their beaks and my thoughts go to fencing = en garde. On the other side of the coin, they have such gentle, innocent looking faces that I think they must be very special creatures = daemons.

    Your photographs are very compelling, Kaya = excellent.

  6. Las cigueñuelas, ¡siempre parecen estar a punto de quebrar sus piernas!

  7. Muy buenas imagenes, amiga... Me encantan esas patitas tan largas
    Un abrazo

  8. Unas fotografías perfectas de este ave de largas y rojizas patas que le otorgan una elegancia natural.
    Un abrazo,

  9. Photographing nature does not come any better than these photographs.

  10. Wow gorgeous photos - the only time i saw birds like this - was in San Francisco along a marsh. gosh these are great photos

  11. Una buena diferencia entre ellos.
    Preciosas Kaya.
    Un abrazo.
