Friday, December 6, 2019

Notes to Self. Challenge

I was asked by my neighbor to take pictures of our neighborhood for his new website. 

Our neighborhood consists of several condos and they are not pretty at all. Actually, they are ugly.

This afternoon I took my old reliable Leica and went to create something of nothing. 

The evening light was on my side but everything was so boring. I thought what would happen if I lived only for a few years here and returned today just to revive some memories.  How would I see this place differently?

This is a field I used to walk in mornings and late evenings with my dog Tasha when she was alive. It's a big field and Tasha used to run there.

Right now on the field runs the unknown dog with whom we said hello to each other.  In my opinion, he looks great. Not sure that he will appear on my neighbor's website but here this puppy is very welcome.

Surprise, surprise... I even didn't know that this snowman happily settled on the field. Love him so much!  He is a fancy stylish guy!

Back to business.  Found an interesting shade on the wall of one condo.

You leave this road, turn to the left and in a five minutes you are in the canyon. To drive in the canyon is a challenge in the winter time. I don't have winter tires and try to stay away from the canyon.

I live in one of those condos. 

My neighbor Alex's feeders. In winter the Chickadees are permanent residents there. By the way, the feeders are under totalitarian control of a few Magpies.

The same road that leads to the canyon.


What I learned today is the best decisions are made by instinct, not by reason.  I didn't want to be involved in my neighbors' project and thought about many reasons not participate in it.  But... it didn't feel right. 

The end.


  1. high on my list of places i like to photograph are regular neighborhoods - of all kinds - ...this one looks beautiful and i love the light you have captured in some of the photos. i'm always taking house photos and has only been asked two times what i am doing - in 20 years of photographing houses on my walk. And when i told them i take house photos to sketch later they said oh go ahead. enjoy.

  2. not so bad, from my window it’s looking warm !

  3. Making ordinary buildings look like more than they are in photographs might be the most difficult task a photographer can attempt. It is best to exploit portions and segments and special features of structures, but, of course, if the object is to show the entire building that is not feasible. These are good, especially the snowman; the mountain background adds a lot; the shadow effect in the fourth pix makes it special.

    I have more snow on the ground, Kaya, and another snowfall is predicted Sunday night into Monday. Add to that, temperatures well below zero Fahrenheit are expected beginning Tuesday for the rest of the week .... uuuuffff ....

  4. Preciosas fotos Kaya, lo veo hermoso y tranquilo, me gusta. Besos.

  5. Snow makes the world cleaner.
    A very successful walk, with a very well worded reportage.

  6. Una buona serarata e una felice domenica per te.

  7. The view from condos so wonderful...
    love the snowman too...

  8. Bonitas fotos con la nieve como protagonista, Kaya. Vives en un entorno muy bonito.


  9. Recordar nos hace volver a vivir momentos Kaya. Me gusta este barrio.
    La fotos tienen una luz especial.
    Un abrazo

  10. Pues me gusta el lugar en el que vive junto al campo y frente a la montaña. Además creo que la selección de fotos, incluida la del perro, son adecuadas para representar al lugar en la web de su vecino
    Un abrazo,
