Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Fighting for Territory on a Foggy Morning

Yesterday I left my home on a beautiful sunny morning but in one hour I found myself in a dense fog.

I probably should return back but the drive was long and I decided to get on the dirt road along the river.  That was a big mistake because soon I was driving on the muddy bumpy road with splashes of dirt covering my car.


Let's go to the fight between Herring gulls on that foggy morning. 

This gull landed beautifully

and immediately started to establish her territory. 

Fighting for territory.  Later the invader left. She lost her fight. 


I don't recommend to do bird photography in a fog but there are exceptions to the rule. I saw fantastic photographs that were taken of birds during foggy sunrise.

The morning I was taken these photos was dull gray with a dense fog and I lost a lot of photos.  Not a good experience.


  1. Two nervous athletes.
    Very natural images.

  2. Me imagino, que estas son loas mejores que has sacado. Yo te digo, que ha merecido la pena, con tan sólo poder contemplar estas tres grandes tomas.

    Hay días que son más fructíferos que otros.


  3. Gulls often are nasty birds and are very territorial, as your photographs illustrate, Kaya. Excellent shots ....

    Fog and smoke almost always produce disappointment for a photographer ....

  4. These are great photos - i love seagulls in motion fighting! I just found my own file of seagull photos from Morro Bay state beach. I thought I would draw one today. Not sure i will though. Love these photos.

  5. Perderías algunas fotos por la niebla, pero estas son muy buenas. Has recogido perfectamente en esta secuencia el día a día de muchos animales: La pelea por conseguir un espacio vital.
    Un abrazo,
