Monday, January 6, 2020

When Motivation is Gone

To start the New Year with a lost motivation isn't a good beginning. Keeping in your blog's draft up to forty photographs from spring, summer and autumn wasn't apparently a good idea but not completely.

Thus, in time some photographs suddenly lost their appeal because my emotions faded and I could look more clearly and judge more strongly.

This photograph survived since last autumn. 


  1. Tiene un buen encuadre y en ella se muestra la gran belleza que tiene el animal. Puedes estar orgullosa de esta toma.


  2. For a number of years, Kaya, I have tried to hibernate as much as possible during January and February. This coincides with the approximate time winter activities ceased to be "fun" for me, and when driving on icy roads and in snowstorms seemed to take over my life.

    As a means to "kick start" your motivation engine, just look at your photograph for a while. It is an excellent reminder that when winter comes, spring and summer surely must follow.

  3. This is a beautiful photo - glad it survived. I "get" that lack of motivation at times. I have it more in winter than any other time.

    Hope you get it back.

  4. André Kerteszn decía... " Ver no es suficiente, tienes que sentir lo que estás fotografiando".
    Espero que no pierdas motivacion y sigas sintiendo al hacer tus fotos. Son maravillosas Kaya.
    Te deseo buena noche.
    Un abrazo

  5. Estupenda foto, Kaya, con un encuadre y composición muy bien ideados.

