Sunday, February 2, 2020

Fielding Garr Ranch

Today I spend a day on the Fielding Garr ranch, Antelope Island.

This female Great Horn Owl I found in the barn on the ranch.  I didn't notice her right away, because she was so high almost touching the ceiling with her ears.

It was so dark in the barn that no matter what I did, I couldn't get a proper exposure but somehow I got a few decent photos of this female owl.  I certainly need to use a tripod!

The male owl was sleeping outside on the tree, he curled into a gray ball. To take photos of his butt wasn't very inspiring and I left the male owl alone.

The barn I took photos of female owl.  Thankfully, there were stairs that lead to the second floor and I was able to get close to the owl.  

I walked around the Garr ranch looking at old equipment.

Thousands of years ago, the area's native people inhabited Antelope Island and founded the Fielding Garr ranch there. In modern times, the ranch house is the oldest Anglo building still standing on its original foundation in Utah.


  1. Bonitas fotos, Kaya, muy buena captura de la lechuza, pero las fotografías dos y cuatro me gustan en especial, con un buen control de las luces y sus encuadres.


  2. I had a run-in with a big owl while walking along a game trail through a farm grove after dark. Fortunately, his weight did not match his wing span and my head was covered by a stocking cap and a fur-trimmed parka hood .... never have figured out what he thought I was or if he simply was in an ornery mood. We both went our separate ways relatively undamaged, but he hit me unexpectedly from behind and sure startled me.

    Owls are fascinating birds and considered by many to be lucky to have around. Excellent photographs, Kaya ....

    1. I know that some birds can be very tolerant of humans, some are just plain aggressive and see the threat everywhere especially in the nesting season.
      I am glad that everything ended OK, Fram.

  3. A beautiful, traditional, quiet place. A magnificent place!

  4. Preciosa esa hembra de búho real que te observa atentamente desde la altura sin inmutarse por tu presencia.
    Un abrazo,

  5. A pesar de no haber mucha lz, te ha quedado muy bien las fotos de los interiores. Has conseguido el equilibrio perfecto, entre la luz y las sombras.

    Miro con simpatía, la imagen del búho hembra, como hago cuando tengo ocasión de verlas en algún Mercado medieval.


    1. Antonia, two owls, male and female, found this ranch and it became their home. They are free and happy to stay at this place.
      This coming spring we hope that they will have babies.

  6. You have a wonderful blog! The topics you write about are very close to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    I follow you through GFC! If you want, go to my blog :)


  7. owl is one of my favorite birds...look so cute.

    Beautiful views of Antelope Island

  8. wonderful history - and it looks like a great place to visit said the Owl - who said "hoo" wouldn't like it here.

  9. Un lugar para el recuerdo. El búho estaba muy pendiente de ti.
    Un abrazo.

  10. Preciosa historia, es una maravilla poder contemplar tan hermosa rapaz. Las fotos son preciosas. Besos.
