Thursday, March 26, 2020

Great Blue Heron on a Community Log

Something is very special about this log that attracts Pelicans, Cormorants and sometimes Great Blue Herons.  Pelicans and Cormorants usually share this log and stay there happily together. But Great Blues prefer to keep social distancing.


  1. Oh Dear Kaya, I love these photos, perfections. The mood of these photos is so magical, so mystery. I am in love, one of the most beautiful photos.
    Stay safe, warm greetings. :) <3

  2. She is glad that she has a place where she can stay quiet.

  3. That is a really incredible shot!

  4. Hola Kaya. Las fotos como siempre espectaculares, nos dan paz. Muchas gracias y un enorme abrazo.

  5. The heron does have a majestic look and seems to be surveying its kingdom.

    I prefer the second photograph, mainly because more of the bird is visible, although the log itself has artistic appeal and is worthy of a portrait in and by itself, thanks to eye-catching, random configuration.

  6. De uma beleza imensurável.
    Lindíssimo Kaya.
    Obrigada por partilhar tamanho talento.
    Um beijinho adocicado.
    Megy Maia🌈

  7. Todo tiene su lado bueno. Tu has podido hacer dos bellas fotografías de la garza azul. La garza en un ave muy elegante además de bella.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  8. Las dos fotografías tienen una buena composición y un buen encuadre, con una tonalidad que me parece maravillosa.


  9. Beautiful scene. The logs make great camouflage for the heron to blend in.

  10. gosh I feel serene and peaceful just seeing this and joy fills me - love herons.

  11. Preciosas fotografías de la garza, aislada y sola, destacando sobre el fondo tranquilo de las aguas.
    Un abrazo y espero que todo vaya bien.

  12. Hola, Kaya, deje aquí un comentario y ha desaparecido, mira a ver en spam por si se hubiera ido ahí. Las dos fotos son preciosas, con buena calidad fotográfica.

