Monday, April 13, 2020

Bear River in March - IV.

That was the first warm spring day. The sky was clear and blue for the first time and resembled the sea. The clouds were floating in the sky like the white weightless ships. The wind was tender and warm.  That morning I "forgot" about birds and took only photos of Bear River to remember how beautiful it can be at the beginning of spring.


  1. Not one of the seasons has any concept of the calendar. Easter Sunday "dawned" here with the sun hiding behind a solid-gray blanket of clouds and departed after leaving six inches of new-fallen, wet, heavy snow.

    A bypasser later commented, "A beautiful day."

    "It would be in November," I replied, with shovel in hand. "Not in April."

    Kaya had the beautiful day in a beautiful place and recorded it beautifully ....

  2. El río, con su camino, y esas poderosas nubes parecen querer atrapar a las montañas nevadas.
    Un abrazo y cuidense mucho

  3. Dos hermosos paisajes primaverales. Cuando la primavera esté en su apogeo los ocres tornaran en verde y su belleza se acrecentará.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  4. The mountains in the distance add charm to spring and your photos. Greetings.

  5. it just looks so PEACEfilled there. I want to walk down that road.

  6. Preciosas vistas, de unos maravillosos paisajes.

    Me encntan las dos fotografías.


  7. I wish to observe the wonderful views...

    Happy Easter

  8. Really magical place. Oh I would be love to be there and appreciate the pure beauty of this place. I love your photos, fabulous ones. <3
    Sending you lots of love. :)))

  9. Hola Kaya, se ve un lugar maravilloso y las fotos son espectaculares. Besos.

  10. Estupendas fotografías, Kaya. Que ganas de poder estar ahí disfrutando de ese bonito paisaje, envidia sana me das con estas imágenes.

