Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In the Golden Light

There are marshes that look so dull. They are treeless, only the tall plants surround them, their colors are pale brown.  But if you happen to be at those marshes during the sunset you will be amazed how the golden light can transform something so dull and plain into wonderful and striking.

American Avocets during the sunset looking for food.

The Mallard ducks in the golden glow.

Even reflections in the water are different during golden hours in the marsh.


  1. Muy bellas imagenes, con unos tonos calidos preciosos
    Un abrazo, amiga

  2. Preciosas todas. La luz del atardecer da unas tonalidades excelentes,como estas doradas que tu has conseguido.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  3. your photos always amaze me - how you seem to be at a certain place at the right time. gosh these are beautiful.

  4. Wow Kaya son espectaculares, que bonitas fotos. Besos.

  5. The Earth is at its prettiest, I think, at sunrise and at sunset, and your photographs prove that about sunset, Kaya ....

  6. Estuviste hábil al escoger esa hora del atardecer para darle ese toque áureo tan atractivo a estas fotografías.


  7. Kaya, your photos never cease to amaze me, they're absolutely magnificent!

  8. Hello Kaya,
    Very great post!! So wonderful these ducks and the very beautiful and special birds.
    So nice to see them in the water with the golden colors. Nice shots Kaya!!

    Greetings, Marco

  9. Preciosas con esa luz dorada.
    Gracias por compartir tus paseos amiga. Se echa de menos no poder salir. Pero estamos bien que es lo principal
    Desde casa te mando este abrazo 🙅

  10. Preciosa esa luz dorada del atardecer inundandolo todo, especialmente las aguas.
    Un abrazo y cuidense mucho
