Monday, April 20, 2020

Canada Geese in the Early Spring

Canada Geese aren't every one's favorite birds, they are loud and can be very aggressive but I love them as they are. I enjoy watching them running as they take a flight, how they court each other, how they take care of their young ones.

I like hearing them as they fly over and watching their beautiful a V-formation in the sky. 

The Canada Geese will always be my favorite birds!


  1. The wingtip brings with the eagle's eagle. They are lively and their movement is very pleasing in the photos.

  2. Son preciosas estas aves. Da mucha alegría verlos volar.


  3. Fotos estupendas Kaya, me encantaría ver estas aves en plena naturaleza, pero aquí no hay. Besos.

  4. Hello Kaya,
    What a nice pictures. This goose species is very beautiful.
    And so special to see them with spread wings. Wonderful how you've photograph them.

    Greetings, Marco

  5. Muy bonitas y bien realizadas fotografías, Kaya, se agradece ver tanta libertad. Cuidate.


  6. Dos preciosas instantáneas; la primera, corriendo y acelerando para poder elevarse y la segunda ya en pleno vuelo.
    Un abrazo y cuidese mucho.

  7. these are beautiful photos. I rarely see then around here but it reminded me that i took some at our lake awhile back and never posted them. They only stop in while on their way elsewhere. It seems to be only a few days.
