Thursday, April 16, 2020

Red-tailed Hawk in Flight

There are two types of raptors at Bear River. The raptors who stay in the refuge during their migration and who are permanent residents. A Red-tailed Hawk lives at Bear River all year around.

This was my first encounter with this raptor that started not very promising but ended up wonderfully.  Somehow I managed to get two photographs of this Hawk.

Photographing a flying bird against the blue sky is always a challenge for me but this time everything worked OK.

The Hawk was soaring with his wings down letting me to get this shot.


  1. Oh! I love birds of prey and this hawk is so handsome.
    Beautiful and amazing photos.

    Stay Safe 🌷 Hugs 💗

  2. Magnificent! What must it be like to fly away?

  3. Dos tomas perfectas del halcón en vuelo y destacando sobre el cielo azul. Pese al movimiento el foco y el detalle es perfecto, has logrado congelar el movimiento.
    Un abrazo y cuidense mucho

  4. Powerful and gracious. Good luck to see him, but also to photograph him.

  5. La primera majestuosa, la segunda fortaleza. Preciosas las dos.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  6. WOW Kaya que fotos más maravillosas, son espectaculares. Enhorabuena. Besos.

  7. Impresionante su vuelo. Que personalidad!!!
    Un abrazo, Kaya.

  8. Dos disparos muy buenos, Kaya, "congelas" al halcón en pleno vuelo, cosa nada fácil, con una gran calidad de imagen. Buenas fotografías.


  9. Both photographs are superb, Kaya. I prefer the second shot because the essence of the hawk is more predatory in nature. The bird has the look of a fighter aircraft swooping in on attack.

  10. Me encanta siempre ver como congelas su moviminto en el aire
    Un abrazo, amiga

  11. love these photos - I rarely get to photograph a hawk .
