Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sandhill Crane is Taking Flight During Sunrise

Sunrise at Bear River starts at 6:15 am and it's always exciting to watch how the sun rises slowly over the Wasatch mountains and paints the marshes with warm colors with reddish hue.

A Crane I saw this morning was alone, no mate around. He wandered for a while, he even made a few long calls and then he started to prepare for flight.

His wings are spread wide here, he is running faster.

Suddenly the Crane posed and surprised me. I didn't expect that he will take flight from this odd position but he lifted his body so easily and fast.


To get a proper shutter speed during sunrise is a big challenge for me. I don't have a fast lens. That is why my photographs often look soft but I am OK with that.  


  1. Bellisimos instantes, con unos tonos calidos preciosos
    Un abrazo, amiga

  2. how could it be alone ? Tired ? wounded ?
    where do they nest ?

    1. Cão, he wasn't wounded or tired. She was somewhere close and building a nest.
      The Cranes nest in the dense marshes.

  3. Bonitas fotos de la Grulla iniciando el vuelo, Kaya, esos dorados que produce la luz del amanecer las hacen más bellas e interesantes. Buena serie.


  4. these are wonderful and i love the lighting.

  5. aww...his wing so wide...beautiful take off

  6. Preciosa la secuencia. Has conseguido un buen enfoque sobre la gruyo que era el objeto importante. Y los tonos que da el amanecer han iluminado toda la escena.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  7. An amazing series of photographs, an absolute joy to see.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  8. Increíblemente maravillosas fotos, son espectaculares. ENHORABUENA. Besos Kaya.

  9. Una completa secuencia del despegue de este ave a la que las tonalidades del amanecer convierten en un ave de fuego.
    Un abrazo y cuidaos
