Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Spring in the Wasatch Mountains

When I am in the mountains I hear the birds singing but often I don't see them. Occasionally, only one of them showing up on a shrub or tree. The colorful small bird below decided to perform a solo on the dead tree, her song was short but beautiful.

The Lazuli Bunting.

Everything in the mountains is awaking slowly. Nature is never in a hurry.

Western Scrub-Jay.

The Muscary are still colorful and fresh.

Near a rocky trail the Cyclamen is in a full bloom

Mountains are an unknown territory for me in a sense that there are birds I have never seen before.  


  1. Stunningly gorgeous Kaya...how beautiful 🐦
    Stay Safe 🌷

  2. Todo un bello canto a la vida, amiga... Los colores son preciosos
    Un abrazo

  3. on the first picture I think it is Passerina amoena, Lazuli Bunting ...

    1. Blue flowers could be Muscari and purple must be Cyclamen ...

    2. Cão, you are Encyclopedia! That is a Passerina amoena/Luzuli Bunting. You are correct!
      Thank you very, very much! And a special thank you for helping to identify flowers 😌

  4. My first guess would have been a bluebird, but after comparing some photographs, my vote also would go to the lazuli bunting. Nice blend of bird and plant photographs, Kaya.

    1. Fram, thank you very, very much for helping me to identify the first bird. You are correct! It's a Lazuli Bunting! 😌
      Your knowledge about nature is priceless!

    2. no, Kaya, just a friendly help. 😘

  5. Birds and flowers. What could be more beautiful ?

  6. Tens raó, Kaya, la natura no té mai pressa. És l'home qui la té.
    Una abraçada.

  7. Kaya, my friend, those photos of yours are truly beautiful, I love watching the birds outside my window, seeing the beauty of flowers and smelling their fragrance.

    I believe there is much one can learn from nature.

    When one hurries in life, I believe it's harder to concentrate, as well as causing one stress.

  8. Lon, my friend, it's so nice to hear from you.
    That is so true what you wrote about nature! We truly can learn a lot from it.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  9. Estupendas imágenes,,, un saludo desde Murcia....

  10. El primer pájaro, está en un sitio muy despejado. Se ve precioso, con el cielo azul de fondo. El momento que realizas la foto, debió ser mágico, al escuchar su hermoso cantar.

    Las plantas tmabién son una maravilla, me gusta comno la has captado y sobretodo en esa segunda foto.


  11. La primavera es en todos sitios un explosión de belleza. Esta serie de buenas fotografías lo atestigua.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  12. Captastes toda la belleza de pájaro Kaya.
    Las fotos bellísimas amiga. Nosotros paramos y la naturaleza sigue su ritmo, ella no para.
    Desde casa te mando este abrazo 🙅

  13. Bellas fotografías, Kaya. Todo un canto a la primavera, la nitidez de la aves es estupenda.


  14. Hola Kaya, maravillosa primavera en tus fotos, las aves son hermosas y las flores preciosas. Besos.

  15. Kaya el comentario anterior es mío, no se porque motivo me lo público como desconocido. Besos Lola.

  16. first off that western scrub jay photo is amazing. Love the blooms. I use to have lazuli bunting birds visit my yard when I lived down the mountain. I have seen one in years - so it's great to see you have them in your area.

  17. Hermosa naturaleza en plenitud la que nos muestras en tus fotografías. Ese pajarillo de la primera foto entonando su canto con fuerza es todo un símbolo de vida.
    Un abrazo y salud.

  18. Stunningly beautiful.
    Spring is a wonderful season.

    All the best Jan
