Thursday, April 30, 2020

Spring in the Wasatch Mountains - II.

There is a little heaven high in the mountains where some birds made a home. So far I saw the Western Scrub-Jays, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Mourning Dove, Lazuli Buntings and Magpies.

This morning I met a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. He was perching on a dry branch greeting the morning with a beautiful song.

You hike high up to get to the place where most of mountain birds live. In the early morning they are singing loudly but most of the time they are hiding in the trees. 

This Western Scrub-Jay was a star this morning. He sang his songs, he was nicely perching on the branches and most important wasn't skittish.

The trees in the mountains are very hardy and survive the hot dry summers  year after year.  I admire their strength.

Hiding between the rocks.  This tree somehow found the way between rocks  and growing near the desert flowers.

Again the Jay. 


  1. Precioso lugar, preciosas aves y espectaculares fotos. Besos Kaya.

  2. such beautiful photos~~! What a wonderful place to hang out and hear the birds.

  3. That would be a fascinating place to have a cabin .... but, I suppose the threat of avalanches would be ever-present. I would like to see a photograph of the location from the same angle during winter .... I would bet it would be stunningly beautiful.

    Your birds are gorgeous and your photographs of them are wonderful, Kaya. Excellent work ....

  4. A beautifully rendered spring.
    The first photo is five stars.

  5. Hello Kaya,
    These pictures are so amazing again. Very, very wonderful.
    Great to see these wonderful birds. You've caught them so well.

    Best regards,

  6. Kaya, what beauty you capture with your camera.
    From the tenderest to the wildest...excellent!!!

    Hugs and Stay Safe🐦🌷📷

  7. ¡Qué hermosas aves en ese territorio duro y rocoso! El primer pájaro entona su canción con tanta fuerza que hasta puede oírsele a través de la fotografía.
    Un abrazo.

  8. Tiene preciosos colores. Has hecho un gran ejercicio, para llegar hasta donde se encuentran.


  9. Un gran reportaje con unos pasaros preciosos y una naturaleza dura pero bella.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  10. Beautiful birds and scenes.

    All the best Jan

  11. Preciosas imágenes, Kaya, para disfrutar mirándolas, la nitidez es estupenda. Buen trabajo.


  12. Que imágenes, Kaya. Llenas de paz y libertad. ¡Me encantan!
    Un abrazo.

  13. beautiful little birds....
    amazing views of mountain....
