Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Male Ring-necked Pheasant is Looking for a Mate

Apparently, it's not easy for any bird to find a mate. Thus, this guy was on display for almost an hour trying to attract any female who happened to be around but wasn't successful.  

While another Pheasant one mile away had a harem of three females, this Pheasant was alone.

Here he is showing how powerful and attractive he is.

Then he gave a long call hoping that he would be heard by a female.

The display continues. The Pheasant stands tall beating fast his wings.

I was the only admirer who was around and hoped so much that a female Pheasant would show up soon. 

Eventually, the lonely Pheasant headed toward East to explore a different part of the field. I wish that he would find soon one or two mates and live a long healthy and happy life.

To photograph the male Pheasant in the field was a challenge. He was very cautious sometimes disappearing in the tall grass.  There were also many broken branches and they got on the Pheasant's way often covering his face. Anyway, I am happy to have these shots because the whole encounter was unforgettable.


  1. Un ave de precioso plumaje, con muy bello color. Muy bien captado
    Un abrazo

  2. He seems to be the soloist of an extensive recital.

  3. Parece que esté representando su obra de teatro personal. ¡Preciosa ave!
    Un abrazo, Kaya.

  4. Una serie estupenda en la que has plasmado todo el ceremonial del cortejo por parte del faisán.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  5. Fabulous series of photographs.
    I do hope he finds a mate soon.

    All the best Jan

  6. Un excelente reportaje del ceremonial de cortejo del faisán y las fotografías preciosos. Y es lo que hay, no siempre se tiene suerte en el arte de ligar.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.
