Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Canada Geese With Their Young Ones

Some Canada Geese are having already young ones who will mature so fast that by June I will not be able to distinguish them from their parents. 

Geese are excellent parents, both the male and female raise their goslings and fearlessly protect them.

The male Goose is on a guard. Soon he let his goslings to get into the water.

Meanwhile, the goslings experimenting with leaves trying to eat them.

These goslings are still small and they are protected by Dad, Mom and... Aunt.

While waiting for Dad to let them go into the water they try to stay close to each other.

It's a time to explore and to learn.  With Mama it's always safe.


  1. A wild, quiet, interesting environment. Brilliant colors and details.

  2. Buen reportaje fotográfico del los Gansos, Kaya, imágenes muy atractivas en especial para mi gusto la tercera.


  3. Forman un grupo muy agradable para contemplar. No hay espectáculo mejor que el que nos ofrece la naturaleza diariamente.


  4. Bonita familia. Debes disfrutar mucho en estos lugares, Kaya.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Que tiernas las imágenes de los pequeños gansos que se lanzan a la dura aventura de la vida.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  6. Gran familia numerosa. Muy atentos los padres.Estupendas Kaya.
    Un abrazo.

  7. wow great pics of mama and babies. we have them visit our lake. love watching them.

  8. Tiernas y bonitas imágenes. ¡Qué sabia es la naturaleza! Los pequeñines se mimetizan totalmente con el terreno por el que se mueven y pasan desapercibidos, salvo para el objetivo de tu cámara.
    Un abrazo y salud,
